Welcome Back Wildcats! We are so excited to welcome all of our students back tomorrow, August 17th! Very important: Please make sure that your child wears the bracelet they r...
The Bryan County Health Department is offering free vision,
hearing, dental, and nutrition screening for Bryan County school students.
The services normally cost
It i...
We are so excited to be closer to seeing our Wildcats at RHE! Here's a video for you to tour the school and learn some of the things to look forward to at RHE! We can't wait to w...
Art to Remember Keepsakes are HERE!
…if you ordered
Drive-through pick up will be at each school:
Wednesday, August 5
Pick up 8-9 am and 2-3 pm
RHPS – Pick up on the bu...
If your child is zoned for Frances Meeks Elementary School (FMES) for the 2020-21 school year, you have the option to remain at your current school for one year before you the t...
Bryan County School System is pleased to be able to provide breakfast and lunch to children 0-18 years at no cost to them during digital learning days. Please click this link for ...
The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. In our most recent interaction with Bryan County Emergency S...
The Parent Satisfaction Survey helps the state to determine parents’ perception of the success of parent engagement between the local school and themselves. The information is ga...
GADOE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES SURVEY In order for all students to graduate prepared to achieve a lifetime of success, families need to be an important part of the school team...
We had a wonderful surprise from Parker's today when they stopped by with a $5,000 check for Bryan County Schools! Parker's is an amazing partner! We want to say a special thank...
In order for all students to graduate prepared to achieve a lifetime of success, families need to be an important part of the school team. It is critical that the GaDOE assist ...