We can't wait to see how much our students have grown. Third grade MAP testing starts tomorrow!

Calling all hockey fans! Join us for RHE's spirit night! 🏒🤩 Please see the attached flier or click the link below for more information. https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Richmondhill34

We’re excited to announce that Bryan County Schools has partnered with the Department of Public Health to offer a flu vaccination clinic right here at school! If you would like your child to receive the flu vaccine during the clinic, please complete the necessary forms available on our website: https://www.bryan.k12.ga.us/page/fluvaccine and return to your child’s school no later than Wednesday, September 18th.

Join us for Open House at Richmond Hill Primary School, Richmond Hill Elementary School, and George Washington Carver Elementary School on Monday, July 29th from 4:00-7:00 PM.

April is designated as the Month of the Military Child. Please wear purple on Monday, April 15 to show your support for our military families.

The Georgia Parent Survey is designed to give parents an opportunity to share input with the Georgia Department of Education. It contains 24 questions. Parents may complete the survey using a personal computer, smartphone, or tablet. The data parents provide by completing this survey will be used as part of the calculation of the School Climate Star Rating. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the Georgia Department of Education for analysis. Thank you for partnering with Richmond Hill Elementary School to provide the very best education for your child(ren)!

RHES will have its first Fine Arts Night on December 12th from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Please plan to join us and celebrate a beautiful showcase of visual art and music by RHES students.

Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Bryan County
Schools app! The same district app now offers class
streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher
chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin
using this feature in our app this afternoon.
Download for Android http://bit.ly/2vX5VfO
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/2EbqUzU

We can’t wait to see everyone at Open House tonight. As a convenience to our families, all three schools (RHPS, RHES, & GWC) are having open house tonight. There will be a great deal of traffic so please be patient with us.
Here are a few tips/reminders that will make your day go more smoothly:
• We extended the time to a 3 hour window, 4PM – 7PM.
• Please consider carpooling to reduce the number of cars coming and going.
• We will have staff members helping to direct traffic and assist with parking.
• When families leave our tri school area to go back to 144 it will be a RIGHT TURN ONLY. Cars turning right from our area should turn into the outside lane and continue down 144 eastbound and make a U-turn further down if they need to go west.

Save the Date for Open House! RHES will welcome our Wildcats to the building to kick-off the 23-24 school year on Monday, July 31st from 4:00-7:00. We can't wait to see you there! #TheWildcatWay

School supply orders are due soon! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have a
pre-packaged supply kit containing the exact items your child’s teacher is requesting.
Orders are due by FRIDAY, MAY 19.
You can order online at www.shopttkits.com. Enter account number 84356.

Would you rather spend a summer day driving from store to store to purchase school
supplies or get everything you need in one easy box? Great news! We are offering a prepackaged school supply program this year. Supply orders include the exact colors, quantities, and brands your teachers have approved for class. Get your back-to-school shopping out of the way early and enjoy a summer day! Order online by May 19th at www.shopttkits.com using school code 84356.

Join RHES & Purple Up for Military Kids on Friday, April 14th. Wear your purple to show support and thank our military kids for their strength and sacrifice.

Are you making summer plans for your Wildcat? Check out the summer camps at Richmond Hill High School. Registration is open now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yVHiWaLKoHYLug-1iTYt27EK1vqVkDXI-IqpSAjfANg/edit?usp=sharing

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend CURRICULUM NIGHT on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. The book fair will be open from 4:30-5:45. You will then have an opportunity to visit your child's classroom and learn more about the amazing things we are learning at RHES!

The Bryan County School System is working on developing a five-year strategic plan that is built upon the guiding principles of Climate, Culture, Performance, and Pay. The school system believes all stakeholders are essential to the success of its students. As a result, the Bryan County School System is asking you to take a few moments to provide valuable feedback through the following survey.
Please use the link below to access the survey.
Thank you for your continued support!

Did you know that employees of Bryan County Schools who live out of district can make application for their children to attend school in Bryan County? We have immediate openings in Transportation (bus drivers), Operations (custodians), and School Food Nutrition (school nutrition workers), and these positions have hours that can work around your child’s school schedule. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact Debi McNeal, Director of Human Resources, at dmcneal@bryan.k12.ga.us , or call 912-851-4000.

Bryan County Schools would like to hear from you!
We are asking all families in the district to complete this survey (link below). The collected data will assist our district with obtaining local, state, and federal funds to provide additional resources to Bryan County students and their households. Survey window will close on August 10th at 11:59 PM. Thank you in advance for participating and for your responses!

Click on the following link to check out our 2021-2022 Back to School newsletter! https://5il.co/vnns

Welcome to Richmond Hill Elementary. We are excited about a new school year. Please visit the link for back to school information. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VlxsrPdRsQ5R_L42HiXUcWqGd3dMQsyj/view?usp=sharing