It is a simple process and we encourage you to apply! Please use this link to complete your application:

We have established a centralized location where BCS technology devices will be issued and replaced by appointment. The tech depot will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 9:00am & 1:00pm.
Scheduling of appointments can be done by either calling or using this online link: https://tinyurl.com/upqh47h
South Bryan Tech Depot:
Community Education Front Lobby
120 Constitution Drive, Richmond Hill, Ga 31324 Contact number: 912.531.3099

Bryan County Schools continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 coronavirus situation and is actively following guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Georgia Department of Public Health, and the Georgia Department of Education. In addition, the District maintains a standard operating procedure and is prepared to respond as necessary. Bryan County Schools is providing this information, so parents/guardians and community members have information regarding what the virus is, how to protect yourself and your child, and what to do if you suspect a possible case.
Applicable information may be found at the following link https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/index.html

February 6th: Bryan County Schools will observe regular dismissal times; however, all after school activities including athletic contests and practices are cancelled for this afternoon.
ASP will be closing at 5:00pm.

The construction of the new South Bryan Elementary School remains on schedule for opening in August 2020. Important details regarding the redistricting process can be found at http://www.bryancountyschools.org/o/bcs/page/redistricting

The Bryan County Board of Education held a called work session on Saturday, September 7, 2019, where we discussed Hurricane Dorian and the impact it had on students and staff. As a result of our discussion, the students and staff will not be required to make up missed days caused by the mandatory evacuation order for Hurricane Dorian. The board should be commended for their leadership as they continue to recognize and support their employees and students.

Bryan County Schools will open Monday, September 9, 2019, and we look forward to welcoming back students and staff for a great week of learning. If you evacuated for Hurricane Dorian, we wish you safe travels home.

Bryan County Schools is currently developing calendars for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years. We value your input and would appreciate your feedback by completing our school calendar survey. Please click the link below to access and complete the form.
Thank you for you your time and commitment to Bryan County Schools.

Bryan County Schools will be open tomorrow - Friday, October 12th. We look forward to seeing our students and staff for another great day!

The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. In our most recent interaction with Bryan County Emergency Services and National Weather Service regarding Hurricane Michael, we learned there is still a possibility of strong winds impacting our area late tonight and all day tomorrow. Considering this most recent update, we do not want to take a risk with student and/or staff safety.
As a result, Bryan County Schools will be closed tomorrow for all students and staff. Also, all extracurricular activities are cancelled for Thursday.
Whenever we make a determination about cancelling school and closing our district, Bryan County School District officials spend hours studying as much quality information as possible prior to making this determination. Particularly in the case of making a future decision based on projections and predictions, it is important that we study as much information as is available to us. It is also important to remember that making decisions based on weather predictions can be a very difficult call. Even though we understand that tomorrow’s weather could turn out very differently than we have been advised at this point, we feel that closing the district tomorrow is in everyone’s best interest.
Also, based on the most current information we have right now regarding Hurricane Michael, we do plan for the district to reopen on Friday. Again, we understand the track of this hurricane could change at any minute and require us to remain closed on Friday. Therefore, it is very important for you to pay attention to our multiple notification systems for any required updates on the circumstances.
We hope all of our students, staff, parents and the entire Bryan County community remain safe as Hurricane Michael passes through our area. Our thoughts go out to the schools, students, staff and parents in the Florida panhandle and south Georgia.

Bryan County School District officials continue to work directly with Bryan County Emergency Services and National Weather Service to monitor Hurricane Michael. The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. We have a scheduled conference call/webinar with the National Weather Service late this morning and afterwards will be consulting with Bryan County Emergency Services regarding the information that was shared. As a result, we hope to make a determination by early this afternoon about having school on Thursday. We wish our students and staff a wonderful day of learning today and appreciate your continued support!

Bryan County School District officials are working with Bryan County Emergency Services to closely monitor Hurricane Michael’s trajectory and possible impacts. The safety of the families we serve is our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. We will continue monitoring the conditions, so please continue to check our Facebook page or website for updates. We thank you for your patience.

The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. We will continue monitoring the storm through the weekend and notify all parties on Sunday if there is a need to modify the school day on Monday, Sept 17th.

District officials are working w/ Bryan County Emergency Services in closely monitoring Hurricane Florence’s trajectory. The safety of the families we serve is our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. Please check back for updates.

We kicked off our RHES Glow Run today with an awesome Boosterthon Pep Rally. Register your student at FunRun.com & enter all pledges from friends/family to help our school and earn more rewards. Thanks for your support!

RHES Open House will be held on Wednesday, August 1st from 4-6pm. Please look for a phone call from your child's new teacher on Monday or Tuesday and they will direct you to their classroom!

Dear Parent,
As we finish the 17-18 school year, Richmond Hill Elementary School is proud of all that our PTSO has accomplished. They are an integral part of what makes RHES a great place to learn and work. We are currently looking for parents of our rising 2nd and 3rd grade students who would be interested in serving on our PTSO board for the 18-19 school year. If you are interested, please contact Mr.Barnes at the school.

Parents, please complete the Georgia DOE Parent Survey as part of our School Climate Star Rating. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the GADOE for analysis. We appreciate your input! Take the survey at this link: http://gshs.gadoe.org/parents

You can expect delays on the all Richmond Hill afternoon routes. Please be patient as we work to get everyone home in a safe and timely manner.

What better way to celebrate the 101st Day of School...than Dalmatian style?!?